This sbt plugin is available for sbt 1.x
To use the latest version of plugins, include the following in your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("dev.hnaderi" % "sbt-k8s" % "0.1.14") // everything
addSbtPlugin("dev.hnaderi" % "sbt-k8s-manifests" % "0.1.14") // just manifest generation and objects
addSbtPlugin("dev.hnaderi" % "sbt-k8s-cookbook" % "0.1.14") // easy to use recipes (RECOMMENDED)
and your project in build.sbt
If you have native packager docker plugin. (all settings are optional)
lazy val service = project
microserviceResources := ResourceRequirements(
limits = Map("cpu" -> Quantity("500m"), "memory" -> Quantity("512Mi")),
requests = Map("cpu" -> Quantity("250m"), "memory" -> Quantity("128Mi"))
microserviceEnvironments := Seq(
Variable("SERVICE_NAME", "example"),
ExternalSecretVariable("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "password", "pg-credentials"),
ConfigFile("service-config", Map(
"app.conf" -> file(s"deployments/configs/service.conf"),
"base.conf" -> file(s"deployments/configs/base.conf")
microserviceServices := Seq(ServiceDefinition("ws", 8080, 80))
.enablePlugins(DockerPlugin, K8sMicroservicePlugin)
If you don't want to use native packager (microserviceImage is required)
lazy val service = project
microserviceImage := "your.registry/your-image:version"
If you want to create completely custom manifests (you are on your own, create any kubernetes object you want)
lazy val service = project
k8sManifestObjects := Seq(
// kubernetes objects from scala-k8s
How to run
now you have k8sManifestGen
and k8sManifestPrint
tasks that will generate or print manifest for defined objects.
default generation will write manifest in target/k8s/manifest.yml
You can configure everything using settings. current settings are prefixed by k8sManifest
or microservice